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Illinois Child Support Basics

 Posted on February 19,2016 in Main

NOTE: A new Illinois law governing how child support is calculated went into effect in July 2017. Please visit our child support page for details

Illinois child support attorneys, child support basics, pay child supportWith the recent significant changes to spousal support and parenting laws in Illinois, some may labor under a belief that the child support laws changed as well. In reality, the child support regulations have not changed in any major respect recently.

How Much Do I Pay?

Not every divorce involves child support payments; in rare situations, a judge may decide that one parent requires no additional income in order to provide a life that is in the best interests of the child. However, in the significant majority of cases, a judge will order the non-custodial parent to contribute monetarily based on the formula adopted by the state of Illinois.

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Post-Divorce Decree Modifications

 Posted on February 12,2016 in Main

Wheaton, Illinois family law attorneys, post-divorce decree modificationsWhen two people divorce, they may arrive at an acceptable settlement to allocate their property and other interests, including parenting time with children and an amount of support. However, this does not close the book on all marriage-related matters forever. It is possible in Illinois to make certain modifications to your divorce decree after a Judgment is entered, though not all issues may be reopened.

Spousal & Child Support

In Illinois, a modification to either spousal support or child support may be made if a “substantial change in circumstances” has taken place. Modifications usually occur when someone has either sustained a loss (for example, if the noncustodial parent is loses a job), or when someone has had their financial situation improve. However, it is important to remember that until a court rules on a motion for a modification, payments must continue as previously set. If a party ceased paying support, or began to pay less, it could result in a party filing a petition seeking contempt of court.

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Re-adoption in Illinois

 Posted on February 05,2016 in Main

Illinois family attorney, re-adoptionIf you have adopted a foreign-born child, you may wish to go through a process called re-adoption after returning to Illinois. Though not required by law, re-adoption offers several benefits to both adoptive parents and the adopted child. Further, the process is usually a simple and happy occasion.

Reasons for Re-adopting

Perhaps the biggest reason for re-adopting is that the process ensures that any rights of the biological parents to the child are terminated. This will help protect against any potential issues, however rare they may be, that could arise in the future. Another benefit is that during the re-adoption process, the child's name can be legally changed. Frequently, adoptive parents desire to select their own name for their adopted child.

By re-adopting, documentation of the birth can be obtained simply by contacting the Illinois Vital Records. This is important because it avoids potential difficulty in obtaining the foreign adoption decree. Re-adoption allows for the creation of a Record of Foreign Birth, which is a legal and binding document that the adoptive parents receive upon the completion of the adoption. In order to acquire a Record of Foreign Birth, the adoptive parents must submit a Certified Illinois Certificate of Adoption and some other form of evidence of the child's date and place of birth, such as a certified copy of the original birth certificate.

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Establishing Legal Parentage

 Posted on January 28,2016 in Main

Illinois family law attorney, establishing legal parentagePaternity can be established in a number of different ways under Illinois law. Establishing paternity is important because, once established, a court can allocate parental responsibilities (formerly known as custody), allocate parenting time, and order child support. The level of complexity in establishing paternity depends upon the particular circumstances of the individuals involved.

Paternity Determinations

Under Illinois law, paternity is established through any of the following means:

  1. Marriage to or civil union with a child's biological mother at the time of birth or within 300 days prior to the child being born;
  2. Marriage to the biological mother after birth and the father is listed on the child's birth certificate;

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Dissolution of Marriage: Irreconcilable Differences

 Posted on January 15,2016 in Main

Illinois family law attorney, irreconcilable differencesAt the beginning of the year, changes went into effect in Illinois related to the process for obtaining a divorce. The fault grounds for a divorce have been eliminated. Instead, divorces will be granted when irreconcilable differences exist in the marriage.

Elimination of Fault

Previously, divorce in Illinois could be based on some sort of fault by one of the parties. This included acts such as adultery or physical and/or mental cruelty. As 2016 begins, Illinois will no longer deal with these fault grounds for divorce. Instead, under Illinois law, couples can get divorced when it is shown that they have irreconcilable differences causing an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. This means that prior efforts at reconciliation have been unsuccessful and future attempts are not practicable.

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Premarital Agreements

 Posted on January 08,2016 in Main

Illinois family law attorney, premarital agreementsIndividuals who are planning on marrying may be interested in forming a premarital agreement. This type of agreement defines the rights and responsibilities of each party during a relationship, as well as what happen in the event the relationship ends. Premarital agreements are also referred to as prenuptial agreements.

Forming an Agreement

Pursuant to Illinois law, a premarital agreement is an agreement made between individuals who intend to marry each other. The agreement becomes effective once the marriage actually occurs. In order to be enforceable, the agreement must be in writing, signed by both parties, and entered into voluntarily.

While most agreements require consideration to be exchanged between the contracting parties, premarital agreements do not require consideration in order to be enforceable. Individuals can agree (or contract) to the following in their premarital agreement:

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Adoption and Birth Certificates

 Posted on December 28,2015 in Main

adoption-and-birth-certificates-Illinois.jpgAdoption brings together a child in need of parents and individuals who are willing to meet that need. As a result, adoptions are very beneficial for both children and parents. However, due to the different nature of adoption, there are unique issues related to the child's birth certificate.

Requesting a Copy of a Birth Certificate

Under Illinois law, an adult adoptee (considered a person 21 years of age or older) can request a non-certified copy of his or her original birth certificate. Further, this law allows the biological parents of a child placed for adoption to specify whether they would like to be available in the event the child wishes to contact them. Biological parents can also make their identifying information available.

In order to request an original birth certificate, the individual must fill out a Request for a Non-Certified Copy of Original Birth Certificate. This form must be submitted with a copy of a valid government-issued photo ID and a check or money order for $15 to the Illinois Department of Public Health (Department).

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Declaring a Marriage Invalid

 Posted on December 18,2015 in Main

Illinois family law attorney, declaring a marriage invalidUnder certain circumstances, an individual may wish to request that a court declare his or her marriage invalid. Invalidity of a marriage, which was formerly known as annulment, is a distinct process from divorce. In order to have a marriage declared invalid, the marriage must have occurred under specific circumstances as described by law.

Invalid Marriages

Under Illinois law, a marriage may be found invalid if it was entered into under one of the following conditions:

  1. One party did not have the ability to consent at the time of the marriage, which can occur because of a mental incapacity, or through the use of alcohol, drugs, or other substances, or because the party entered the marriage against his or her will (for example, because of the use of force);

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Illinois Family Law Changing

 Posted on December 11,2015 in Main

Illinois family law attorney, family law changingIn addition to child custody and visitation modifications, several significant changes to family law in Illinois will take effect January 1, 2016. These changes impact parents with children of all ages, as well as the process for obtaining a divorce.

Changes to Illinois Law

Beginning in January, under Illinois law, irreconcilable differences will be the only basis for divorce. As a result, it will no longer be necessary to argue and prove fault (such as mental cruelty, adultery and/or abandonment) to complete the divorce process. Also, if the parties have lived separate and apart for six months prior to the entry of the judgment to dissolve the marriage, there is a presumption that irreconcilable differences exist. Importantly, this presumption cannot be rebutted. The six-month period is a change from the previous two-year requirement.

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Child Custody: Splitting Siblings

 Posted on December 04,2015 in Main

Illinois family law attorney, splitting siblingsWhen a couple decides to get divorced, it can be particularly hard on any children involved. This is true even when a divorce is amicable and parents put the interests of their children first. Most times, children are kept together when it comes to child custody determinations. However, under certain circumstances, there may be reasons why it is desirable to have siblings split between the parents.

Splitting Siblings

Courts usually believe that it is in the best interests of children to keep siblings together and that the loss of living with one parent is already difficult enough. Therefore, the preservation of the sibling relationship is important. However, there are situations in which splitting up siblings may be acceptable and include the following scenarios:

  1. Siblings are not able to get along, to the point that they are abusive or combative towards each other;

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