St Charles Child Support Attorneys

Lawyers for Issues of Child Support in Aurora, Elgin, and Throughout Kane County

During the process of getting a divorce, parents will need to address issues related to child support. This will also be an important part of a child custody case for unmarried parents. Child support ensures that both parents will be using the income they earn to address their children's needs. Because the payments made by one parent to the other will affect the financial resources available to both parties, this issue can sometimes lead to contentious disputes. When you are involved in a dispute regarding child support, it is important to work with an attorney who understands the law.

The child support laws in Illinois require courts to weigh multiple variables when determining the obligations that will apply to both parents. The calculation of child support obligations will consider the amount of money required to adequately care for the needs of the children, and child support payments will be based on both parents' income. Parenting time arrangements may also play a role in these calculations in some cases. In addition, parents may be required to contribute to extracurricular activities, childcare, and healthcare costs.

There are many factors that could affect your case, and it is best to discuss them with a knowledgeable Kane County attorney. Whether you have been asked to pay child support, believe that you should receive payments from the other parent, or have questions about the process, contact Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC and speak with a member of our team. We will make sure all relevant financial factors are properly considered during your case, and we will help you put child support orders in place that will address your children's ongoing needs.

Understanding Child Support in Illinois

Illinois law provides guidelines for calculating child support. The state uses an "income shares" method that seeks to divide the costs of meeting children's basic needs between parents based on their respective incomes. When children live with one parent the majority of the time, that parent will typically receive child support payments that will be used to pay for basic, daily expenses for the couple's children. In addition to these obligations, parents may also need to address other expenses, including those related to education, healthcare, employment-related child care services, and extracurricular activities. Family courts will put orders in place that will ensure that all appropriate expenses are divided between parents correctly.

Forensic Accounting

Under Illinois law, a child support order is based on the income earned by both parents and the number of children requiring support. In creating the order, all sources of income must be identified and included in the calculations. Doing so can be challenging, especially if a parent is self-employed or does not receive a regular paycheck. Attorney George Frederick, one of the managing partners at Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC, received his degree in accounting and conducts income-related investigations for our firm. This ensures that all financial factors will be considered correctly when addressing issues related to child support.

Child Support Modification

Calculating and establishing an order for child support is the first step in a process that often spans years. However, as your child grows, his or her needs may change. Parental situations can also change, as one parent may find a better-paying job, suffer a life-altering illness or injury, or have more children. Such changes can directly affect the appropriateness of a child support order and the paying parent's ability to meet his or her obligations. If necessary, the experienced attorneys at Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC can help you petition the court for a modification of your child support order so that it continues to serve your child's needs.

Contact Our St. Charles Child Support Lawyers

If you have questions about child support, contact our law firm for answers. Call Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC today at 630-665-7300 and speak to a skilled child support lawyer. We are proud to help individuals and families in Batavia, Elgin, St. Charles, Aurora, Geneva, and throughout Kane County.

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