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How Will a Prenuptial Agreement Affect a High Asset Divorce?

 Posted on February 09,2024 in Main

b2ap3_thumbnail_Prenuptial-Agreement.jpgResolving a high net worth divorce can be complex, and contentious disagreements may occur when dividing substantial wealth and assets. One way to mitigate conflict and avoid protractive litigation is to have a prenuptial agreement in place. A prenuptial agreement, also referred to as a prenup, is a legal contract entered into by couples before marriage that determines how their financial affairs will be handled in the event of divorce or death. A family law attorney with experience assisting people who have a high net worth can help ensure that a prenup will be applied and enforced correctly during the divorce process.

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Our Top 10 Sexual Harassment and Family Law Blogs in 2023

 Posted on January 31,2024 in Main

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled---2024-01-31T095805.570.jpgIn addition to providing our clients with effective legal representation as they address family law issues or respond to sexual harassment that has affected them in the workplace, the team at Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC works to make sure people can be informed about these topics. By providing information about how people may be affected by these legal issues and what steps they can take to protect their rights with the help of an attorney, we hope to ensure that our readers will be prepared to address divorce and family law concerns or protect against employment discrimination or wrongful termination. Our most popular blogs for 2023 included:

  1. How to Handle False Allegations of Child Abuse Made Against You - Unfortunately, there are some situations where parents may be falsely accused of abuse or domestic violence during a family law case. We look at how parents can respond to investigations by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and take steps to protect their children’s best interests when addressing issues related to parenting time.

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How Can a Parent’s Substance Abuse Affect Parenting Issues?

 Posted on January 30,2024 in Kane


Parenting cases will involve a variety of complex legal issues, and disputes between parents can sometimes be difficult to resolve. However, these matters can become even more complex when substance abuse is involved. The safety and well-being of children is always the primary concern for the court when determining how parents will share parental responsibilities and when children will spend parenting time with each parent. In cases where a parent has a history of substance abuse, it is important to understand how this issue may impact the outcome of parenting proceedings. An attorney with experience representing clients in contentious family law cases can help ensure that children’s best interests will be protected in these situations.

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Addressing Parenting Time Issues in High-Conflict Divorce Cases

 Posted on January 26,2024 in Main


Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience for all parties involved. Unfortunately, children can sometimes be caught in the middle of conflict between parents. Disagreements about how issues related to children should be handled can sometimes escalate into serious conflicts, potentially exposing children to arguments and hostility. However, as parents take steps to put parenting time schedules in place that will allow them both to maintain ongoing relationships with their children, they will want to focus on what is best for their children. 

When negotiating a parenting plan and resolving disputes related to child custody, an experienced attorney can provide invaluable help. With representation from a skilled lawyer, a parent can not only protect their rights, but they can make sure any agreements they make will be legally sound, and they can put solutions in place that will help them minimize the potential emotional harm contentious divorce can have on children.

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How Will My Divorce Affect My Professional Practice?

 Posted on January 15,2024 in Kane

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled---2024-01-15T113416.454.jpgGoing through a divorce can be difficult for anyone. The end of your marriage will not only affect your personal life, but if you own a professional practice, it can also have significant consequences for your business and your career. If you are a business owner or hold a professional license, it is important to understand how your divorce may affect these aspects of your life. By working with an experienced attorney, you can ensure that these issues will be addressed correctly, and you can take steps to protect your financial interests and avoid problems in the future.

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Can Child Support Be Modified Based on Changes in Income?

 Posted on January 15,2024 in Main

DuPage County Child Support Modification AttorneysChild support is a critical aspect of ensuring the well-being and financial stability of children whose parents are no longer together. However, circumstances can change over time, including changes in income for one or both parents. When these changes occur, it may be necessary to modify child support payments to reflect the new financial reality. In these situations, determining when modifications may be appropriate, what calculations will be used to determine the correct amount of child support, and how to address any disputes that may arise can be a complex process. An experienced attorney can provide invaluable guidance in the cases, advocating for solutions that will protect children’s best interests while ensuring that parents can maintain financial stability.

The Basics of Child Support

In most cases, child support is determined by statutory guidelines that take into account factors such as the income of both parents and the needs of the child. The court will consider each parent's net income, as well as any applicable deductions, when calculating an appropriate amount that should be paid to address the basic needs of the child, including food, shelter, and clothing. Parents may also need to determine how they will collaborate to address other expenses required to meet their child’s needs, including the costs of education, healthcare, and childcare.

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Why Is it Important to Document Instances of Sexual Harassment?

 Posted on January 15,2024 in Main

DuPage County Sexual Harassment LawyersSexual harassment is a pervasive issue that affects millions of people in the workplace. It may involve sexual advances toward coworkers, requests for sexual favors by managers or supervisors, or words or actions of a sexual nature that create a hostile or intimidating environment.

If you have experienced any form of workplace sexual harassment, it is crucial to document these instances accurately and thoroughly. Documentation serves as essential evidence in legal proceedings, and it can significantly strengthen your case. When addressing issues related to sexual harassment, legal representation by an experienced attorney is crucial. With the help of a skilled lawyer, you can take steps to address the ways you have been affected by sexual harassment, and you can ensure that your rights will be protected.

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How Can Mediation Be Used to Resolve Child Custody Disputes?

 Posted on December 28,2023 in Kane


Child custody disputes can be emotionally challenging, and they can involve a variety of complex legal issues. When parents who are going through the divorce process or are no longer in a relationship disagree about how to handle issues related to their children, they may turn to the court system for resolution. However, litigation in family court can be costly and time-consuming, and it can lead to increased levels of conflict between parents. To help avoid these issues, parents may utilize other options as they work to resolve child custody disputes.

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process that allows parents to work together with the help of a neutral third party—a mediator—to find mutually acceptable solutions to their child custody issues. An attorney who is trained in mediation and has experience helping resolve family law disputes can help parents work together to reach agreements that will protect their children’s best interests.

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How Should HR Departments Respond to Sexual Harassment Complaints?

 Posted on December 28,2023 in Main

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled---2024-01-02T103425.946.jpgWorkplace sexual harassment is a serious issue that affects many employees. It can create a hostile work environment, cause emotional distress, and have long-lasting effects on a person’s mental health. When an employee experiences or witnesses sexual harassment, it is crucial for them to know how to report it, and HR departments should respond appropriately. An experienced attorney can help a person who has experienced sexual harassment understand how to protect their rights when reporting these issues, and they can also provide guidance on what steps a company should take to address sexual harassment and protect employees from harm.

What Employees Need to Know

When faced with sexual harassment in the workplace, employees may feel scared or unsure about what actions they should take. Here are some key points that every employee needs to be aware of:

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How to Protect Your Assets in a High Net Worth Divorce

 Posted on December 28,2023 in Main

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled---2024-01-02T100734.660.jpgGoing through a divorce can be challenging from both an emotional and financial standpoint, especially when there are substantial assets involved. In a high net worth divorce, the process of dividing marital assets and addressing other financial issues can be complex, and it may lead to contentious disputes. If you are in this situation, it is crucial to take steps to protect your financial interests during this process. With the help of a lawyer who understands the legal and financial issues that will need to be addressed, you can find solutions that will protect your financial interests. Here are some strategies that can help safeguard your assets:

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