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Sexual Harassment in the Medical Field: Your Rights and Options

 Posted on April 29,2023 in Main

wheaton sexual harassment lawyerNo industry is immune from harassment and discrimination. However, certain industries tend to have greater problems with sexual harassment than others. Multiple studies have shown that the healthcare industry is one of the top industries in which sexual harassment reports are filed.

One study found that over 40 percent of female nurses had experienced sexual harassment on the job. However, nurses, doctors, surgeons, nurses assistants, aides, and other workers of both genders may be victims of sexual harassment.

If you were sexually harassed at work or threatened with retaliation for filing a sexual harassment complaint, it is crucial that you understand your rights and legal options in this situation.

Employers Have a Duty to Prevent and Address Sexual Harassment

Federal, state, and local laws require employers to take sexual harassment prevention seriously. If an employee makes a sexual harassment complaint, the employer must take corrective action. If the employer fails to address the sexual harassment appropriately, or worse, punishes the employee for having the courage to speak out, the employer can face serious repercussions. The employee may be entitled to back pay and other forms of compensation.

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Does an Unemployed Parent Still Have to Pay Child Support?

 Posted on April 24,2023 in Main

dupage county child support lawyerEverybody falls on hard times now and then, and sometimes a parent finds himself or herself unemployed. Many parents wonder what happens when a parent who is required to pay child support is unemployed. Does an unemployed parent still have to pay child support? What if a parent purposely quits or takes a low-paying job to try to avoid child support? The answers to these questions depend on the reasons for unemployment, and a few other factors.

Is the Parent Voluntarily Unemployed?

Unemployment is a term that can apply to a wide range of situations. Some people find themselves unemployed because they were laid off due to cutbacks. Others choose not to work because they simply do not want to.

In some cases, a court will grant a reduced child support obligation to a parent who is unemployed. One of the major questions the court will need to answer before determining whether to modify a child support obligation is whether the unemployment is voluntary or involuntary. There is a huge difference between a parent genuinely trying to gain adequate employment and pay his or her child support obligation and a parent who chooses not to work to evade child support.

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Five Examples of Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment to Be Aware Of

 Posted on April 21,2023 in Main

dupage county sexual harassment lawyerEmployees have the right to be free from sexual harassment or other types of discrimination at work. However, as countless news stories demonstrate, this kind of behavior is still prevalent in many workplaces.

Hostile workplace harassment is the most frequently discussed type of sexual harassment prohibited by federal and state law. A hostile work environment is one in which an employee is subjected to explicit, demeaning, or offensive conduct that is either severe or pervasive enough to create a hostile workplace.

Quid pro quo harassment is another type of sexual harassment that is less frequently discussed in the media. Quid pro quo harassment occurs when a supervisor or other authority figure requests sexual favors from an employee or applicant as a condition of employment or job advancement.

A Manager Implies That an Employee Will Be Fired If He or She Does Not Agree to a Date

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How to Talk to Your Children About the Divorce

 Posted on April 19,2023 in Kane

kane county divorce lawyerFor parents getting divorced, the impact of the divorce on their children is generally at the very top of their minds. Parents worry about how children will respond to the news of the split and how they will cope with the impending changes to their family. Fortunately, many children with divorced parents grow up happy and healthy. However, that is not to say that the divorce will be easy for them.

As you navigate this complicated situation, consider the following tips from child experts and psychologists for discussing divorce with children.

Stick to the Facts and Avoid Oversharing

One of the most important things to remember when discussing the divorce with your children is to remain fact-based and age-appropriate. Your marriage may be ending because your spouse had an affair, gambled away the savings account, or otherwise betrayed you. Or, the divorce may be the result of a marriage that has been broken for years. Whatever the reason, it is important not to get into the details about why the marriage is ending. Instead, factually explain the logistics of the split, where the children will live, and when they will see each of the parents.

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How to Modify Your Parenting Agreement in DuPage County

 Posted on April 11,2023 in Main

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_408583690-min.jpg When married parents get divorced, they create a parenting plan that outlines key issues regarding their child's upbringing. The parenting plan explains when each parent will care for the child, how major decisions about the child's education and upbringing will be made, and much more. Of course, life is full of unexpected changes and many parents find themselves in a position where they need to modify their parenting plan.

If you need to modify your child parenting agreement and you live in DuPage County Illinois, it is important to understand laws regarding modifications. Depending on your circumstances, what you need to change, and when the parenting arrangement was put in place, you may need to meet certain standards to modify your parenting plan. Read on to learn more.

Modifying the Parenting Time Schedule

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What is a Participation Agreement in a Collaborative Divorce? 

 Posted on March 23,2023 in Kane

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_704183452-3-min.jpg Collaborative divorce is a specific type of divorce process in which spouses are represented by their own attorneys, but still work cooperatively toward a solution. The ultimate goal of the collaborative divorce process is to reach a settlement on divorce issues such as property division and the allocation of parenting time and responsibilities without litigation. To facilitate this process, the divorcing spouses typically sign a Participation Agreement. The Participation Agreement is a document that outlines each party's commitments and expectations throughout the collaborative divorce process.

Elements of a Participation Agreement or Collaborative Agreement

A Participation Agreement is a document that outlines the expectations of all parties involved in the collaborative divorce. It outlines each party's legal rights and obligations.

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Sexual Harassment in the Construction Industry 

 Posted on March 20,2023 in Main

wheaton sexual harassment lawyerThe construction industry is vital to our modern lives. Without construction workers, many of the buildings, roads, and structures that we use on a daily basis would not be standing. Unfortunately, this important industry is also plagued by a serious and pervasive problem: sexual harassment.

Exploring the Problem of Sexual Harassment in the Construction Sector

Most would agree that construction work is much unlike the office jobs that dominate today’s typical workplace. Construction workers are often forced to work in close proximity to each other, climbing scaffolding or working on ladders in tight spaces. This can make some workers a little too comfortable when it comes to making inappropriate comments or touching other workers.

Furthermore, the construction industry is overwhelmingly male. Only about four percent of construction workers are women. Although sexual harassment can happen to anyone of any sex, sexual orientation, or gender expression, statistics show that sexual harassment is more common when there is a major disparity in gender within a workplace. One survey found that 66 percent of respondents claim to have experienced sexual harassment or gender bias while working in the construction industry.

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Sexual Harassment and Discrimination: What Are My Rights as an Employee?

 Posted on March 15,2023 in Main

dupage county sexual harassment lawyer Sexual harassment in the workplace has become a hot button issue in recent years. After celebrities such as Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer were publicly scrutinized for accusations of workplace sexual harassment, more and more people started taking notice of the issue.

As an employee, it is crucial that you understand your rights under Illinois and federal law. Many workers unknowingly allow discriminatory and offensive behavior to go unchecked because they are not aware of the rights and the legal safeguards designed to protect them. This allows perpetrators to continue their unlawful behavior and avoid being held accountable for their misconduct. Unfortunately, discriminatory practices tend to proliferate if nothing is done to stop it, which is why it is so important for employees to speak up.   

Employees Have a Right to Be Free from Discrimination and Harassment

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Co-Parenting Tips for the Upcoming Summer Holiday 

 Posted on March 15,2023 in Kane

dupage county divorce lawyerIf you are a divorced parent or soon will be, you may already be planning for the upcoming summer break. For many families, the end of the school year marks the beginning of a time when many co-parents must establish a new schedule for their children. The best way to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable and successful summer is to work together as co-parents and ensure that you and the other parent are on the same page regarding parenting time and responsibilities.

Set up a Parenting Plan or Temporary Allocation Order

The parenting plan or parenting agreement is crucial for divorced parents in Illinois. This is the document that contains everything from when each parent will have the children to how major decisions regarding childcare and education will be made. It is important that both parents agree to the terms of the plan, as it will serve as a road map for all parenting situations during summer break and beyond. If you are in the middle of getting divorced and do not yet have your final parenting plan, you can ask the court to enter a temporary order.

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Tax Considerations to Be Aware of in Your DuPage County Divorce

 Posted on March 13,2023 in Main

dupage county divorce lawyerProperty division, parenting plans, child support - with so many things to contend with during a divorce case, tax considerations often get put on the back burner. If you are planning to divorce, it is very important that you understand how the divorce will influence your tax obligations and prepare appropriately. Educating yourself about tax-related matters now can help you avoid unpleasant surprises and unexpected fees later on.

Tax Filing Status

Once the divorce is finalized, you and your spouse will file taxes separately. During the divorce process, however, you may still be allowed to file jointly. If your divorce was not finalized in the previous year, you can file jointly. Filing jointly may allow for a higher deduction and therefore, a larger refund. If your divorce decree was issued on or before December 31, you cannot file jointly for that year.

Tax Considerations for Retirement Accounts

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