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Things to Consider When Undertaking a High Net Worth Divorce

 Posted on January 21,2019 in Kane

Kane County family law attorneyJeff Bezos is the founder, chairman, CEO, and president of Amazon. Many people consider him to be the world’s richest person. Just recently, the business tycoon announced that he will be divorcing his wife of 25 years. Bezos and his wife have four children and have spent the better part of three decades building a life together. Like many high net worth divorces, their split will likely be complicated. If you are considering divorcing your spouse and you have significant assets or wealth, you should be talking with a qualified family law attorney.

Bezos’s Wife Could Receive Half of His Wealth

Jeff Bezos’s estimated net worth is over $90 billion. He and his family live in Washington which has its own laws governing property distribution during divorce. Most states, including Illinois, make a distinction between marital property and separate property. Separate property refers to assets accumulated before the marriage and certain gifts and inheritances. Marital property includes wealth and property accumulated during the marriage as well as any commingled funds. Washington state divides marital property according to what is equitable and just. This property division method is called equitable distribution and is the same method that is used in Illinois. Property divided according to equitable distribution laws will be divided fairly but not necessarily equally.

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How Social Media Could Affect Your Divorce

 Posted on January 15,2019 in Main

Wheaton divorce attorneysWe all know at least a few people who spend a great deal of time posting pictures and details of their lives to Facebook or Instagram. Sometimes, the appeal of posting on social media is so strong that it can cause a person to lose focus on the events happening in real life around him or her. Most people, of course, are able to use social networking sites reasonably to share photos and updates with distant friends and family, allowing them to stay in touch more quickly and directly than ever before. There are, however, some dangers associated with the use of social media, particularly for those who are in the midst of a divorce or other legal action. It is important to remember that anything you post could end up presented as evidence in court.

Conflicting Messages

While the use of social networking sites does not require ink and paper, posts and shared information are often treated as written documents. Emails and text messages, as you may be aware, can be subpoenaed to refute claims that you have made in your divorce filings. Similarly, screenshots of information that you have posted could also be used in an effort to discredit your testimony. For example, if you have told the court that you are not currently employed, but your LinkedIn profile says that you have been working for a friend’s company—possibly off the books—there are going to be questions raised.

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Top Five Myths and Misunderstandings About Sexual Harassment

 Posted on January 10,2019 in Main

Chicago sexual harassment lawyerYou probably hear the words “sexual harassment” more often today than you have in decades. The recent outpouring of activism and support for victims of sexual harassment has been deeply meaningful to millions. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of confusion surrounding sexual harassment law and what behavior is considered sexual harassment. The following are the most common misconceptions about sexual harassment.

Myth 1: Sexual Harassment is Synonymous with Sexual Misconduct or Sexual Abuse

There is a lot of misunderstanding about what different sex crimes are called. This is partially due to some phrases being used casually and partially due to variances between different states’ terminology. Sexual harassment, as it pertains to the law, can only happen in a work or school environment. A construction worker who catcalls a passerby may be acting in an unacceptable way, but this is not technically sexual harassment.

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How Mediation Can Help Disputing Couples Reach an Agreement

 Posted on January 07,2019 in Kane

Kane County divorce mediation lawyersIf you are a TV or movies buff, you have probably seen many dramatic scenarios played out in a courtroom. In the movie Liar Liar, for example, a divorcing couple with children bitterly argues about who should have custody of the kids. During the divorce proceedings, the wife admits that she wants full custody of the children even though her ex-husband is a “wonderful father.” Although courtroom scenes in movies are usually highly exaggerated and dramatized, the truth is that resolving family law issues in court can bring out the worst in people. Sometimes, simply being in a court environment makes otherwise reasonable spouses argue every detail of their divorce. Fortunately, there is an option for Illinois residents seeking a divorce who wish to resolve their issues without court intervention. Mediation is an alternative to courtroom litigation which helps disagreeing parties amicably negotiate a practical agreement.

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Legal Separation Versus Divorce in Illinois

 Posted on January 03,2019 in Main

DuPage County legal separation lawyersIf you are considering splitting up with your spouse in Illinois, you have several paths for doing so. Most couples end their marriage through divorce, but a legal separation is another option married couples have. Separation differs significantly from divorce, mainly in that separation is not designed to be permanent. Married couples seeking a divorce in Illinois are not required to be legally separated before getting divorced, but some couples choose to pursue a legal separation for other reasons.

Benefits of Legal Separation

Legal separation is a milder option than divorce. There are only a few reasons a couple may pursue a legal separation. Being legally separated can provide couples time apart before they make a final decision about whether or not to actually get divorced. Some people get a legal separation for religious or cultural reasons. Furthermore, separation can be a useful legal tool for individuals with complicated financial situations such as business owners or venture capitalists. When a couple is legally separated, the wealth and property they accumulate during this time is not considered marital property. If you believe your divorce may be extensive, a separation can protect you and your assets during the process.

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How Much Compensation Can I Receive for Workplace Sexual Harassment?

 Posted on December 31,2018 in Main

Illinois sexual harassment attorneysIf you have been a victim of sexual harassment at work, you may have the opportunity to receive compensation for damages. Sexual harassment is a type of employment discrimination protected against by both federal law as well as Illinois state law. Hostile work environment harassment occurs when an employee is subjected to unsolicited sexual advances, antagonistic behavior, or disparaging remarks about his or her gender which negatively affect the employee’s ability to do his or her job. Quid pro quo sexual harassment refers to instances when a person of authority such as a boss or manager attempts to use his or her authority to gain sexual favors from subordinates. For some victims of workplace sexual harassment, filing a discrimination claim allows them to hold their employer accountable for wrongdoing and receive compensation for damages.

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How Dating After Divorce Could Affect Your Children

 Posted on December 28,2018 in Kane

Kane County divorce lawyerWith all that you have endured as your marriage ended, nobody has the right to deny you new opportunities for happiness in the wake of your divorce. You have every right to make the most of your new life, and, in some cases, doing so may include pursuing new romantic interests. While casual dating and possibly a serious relationship after your divorce could have a positive effect on your overall health and self-esteem, there are a few things that you should keep in mind, particularly if you are a parent.

Take All the Time You Need

Dating someone new while your divorce is still pending is not usually the best idea, but once your divorce is finalized, you should feel free to start seeing whomever you choose. Keep in mind, however, that you may not be ready jump back into the dating pool right away. Alternatively, you may be fine with casual dating, but not with getting involved in another serious, long-term relationship. A divorce often leaves emotional and psychological scars that may take significant time to heal.

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Earning Capacity Can Affect Spousal Support

 Posted on December 20,2018 in Main

DuPage County family law attorneysIf you are thinking about filing for divorce, you may be concerned about the financial implications of such a decision. The process itself can be very expensive is some situations, but you could also be worried about making it on your own, especially if your spouse was the primary wage-earner in your family. To address this concern, you may consider including a request for maintenance with your divorce filing. Maintenance payments, sometimes known as alimony, may be ordered to help offset some of the economic challenges that can be created by your divorce. Such payments are not guaranteed, however, and the court must identify a spouse’s need before ordering it.

Need-Based Considerations

There are many factors that the court will take into account when deciding on the appropriateness of a maintenance order, including the lifestyle that the couple established in their marriage and how the marital property will be or has been divided in the divorce. As you might expect, each spouse’s income must also be considered, but the court will look at more than just how much you and your spouse actually earn. The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act states that the court must also take into account “the realistic present and future earning capacity of each party.”

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Sexual Harassment Lawsuits Can Spawn from Holiday Office Parties

 Posted on December 12,2018 in Main

Wheaton sexual harassment attorneysThe atmosphere in workplaces across the United States has been altered by the influx of sexual harassment accusations in the news. Amid the #MeToo movement, many business owners are eliminating holiday parties. Others are keeping the holiday office party but are not allowing alcohol to be consumed. Opinions about this vary dramatically from person to person, but one thing we can all agree on is that every employee deserves to be treated with respect at their workplace.

Inappropriate Behavior at Office Parties is Not a New Phenomenon

Countless sitcom episodes have relied on holiday office party shenanigans to drive the plot. The holiday office party has become almost synonymous with drinking too much and making a fool of yourself. In television shows and movies, there are rarely consequences for those who make sexual advances toward other employees. However, in real life, unprofessional or sexually-charged behavior during a Christmas party can result in a sexual harassment lawsuit.

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Understanding the Law Regarding Separation and Divorce

 Posted on December 07,2018 in Kane

Kane County divorce attorneysIf you are in the midst of a tumultuous marriage—or a marriage that lacks the warmth and contentment for which you were hoping—you may have given some thought to a trial separation. In fact, you may have already spent several weeks staying with a friend or family member as you considered whether to file for divorce.

These situations occur frequently enough that they are practically formulaic in today’s culture. A married couple grows apart, one spouse moves out, and, in many cases, a divorce eventually ensues. Common practices, however, are not equivalent to statutory requirements. The fact that most people do something a certain way does not mean that you must do the same in a similar situation. Such is the case with a period of separation prior to divorce, at least according to Illinois law.

The Difference Between Legal Separation and Living Separate and Apart

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