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Sexual Harassment Cases Are Often Rejected By Courts

 Posted on March 09,2021 in Main

DuPage County sexual harassment lawyersOver the last few years, stories about allegations of sexual harassment seem to constantly be in the news. The most recent reports involving high-profile personalities accused of having inappropriate sexual contact with non-consenting individuals include allegations against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, college football coach Les Miles, and fashion designer Alexander Wang.  The silver lining of these disturbing allegations is that the once-taboo subject of sexual harassment is now being talked about and considered more seriously.

Disturbing Numbers

Unfortunately, however, many reports of sexual harassment do not result in any legal action. In fact, of all the reports of workplace sexual harassment, only an estimated 3 percent to 6 percent of the cases ever make it to trial. Compare this statistic to the percentage of women who report they have been sexually harassed at some point in their lives—which is almost 50 percent—and the problem becomes very apparent.

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Do You Have the Right of First Refusal?

 Posted on March 01,2021 in Kane

Kane County family law attorneysIf you are a parent whose time with your child has been limited due to a divorce, it can be very difficult for you to maintain the relationship with your child that you wish to have. This may be especially true if the other parent has been granted a majority of the parenting time and you only see your child a few days each month. Illinois law, however, allows parents in such a situation to include provisions in their parenting plan that could create extra parenting time opportunities under certain circumstances.

Defining the Right of First Refusal

Under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA), your parenting plan should address what is called “the right of first refusal” regarding your child. If you have the right of first refusal, it means that the other parent must contact you and offer you the opportunity to care for your child if the other parent would otherwise need to find a sitter or alternative childcare. Depending on how your parenting plan is structured, you may be required to offer the same opportunity to the other parent if and when you need someone to care for your child. It is important to note that including the right of first refusal in your parenting plan does not obligate you to accept every such opportunity; the right of first refusal refers to optional additional parenting time.

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Sexual Harassment Is a Serious Concern Among Nurses

 Posted on February 22,2021 in Main

Illinois sexual harassment lawyersSexual harassment has been in the news more than ever in the last few years. From famous actors to unnamed hotel patrons, women and men who have been victims of sexual harassment are making their voices heard. Sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of illegal sex discrimination.

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when an employer or superior offers promotions to an employee in exchange for sexual acts or threatens to fire the employee if he or she does not submit to sexual acts. “Hostile work environment” sexual harassment refers to situations where the employee's work environment is made offensive or hostile due to sexual conduct that negatively affects the employee’s work performance.

Patient Harassment is Par for the Course According to Nurses

Nursing is generally considered to be an extremely demanding career, both physically and emotionally. Nurses are responsible for tasks such as starting intravenous lines, taking blood samples, washing patients, and administering medicine, among much more. They are often physically close to their patients and many of these patients are disabled, elderly, taking medicine which can affect their cognitive abilities, or have been using drugs and alcohol. The combination of the close proximity of nurses to patients along with these other factors has resulted in many nurses being put in uncomfortable and inappropriate situations.

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How to Handle False Allegations of Child Abuse Made Against You

 Posted on February 22,2021 in Main

DuPage County family law attorneyAllegations of child abuse, both real and imagined, are sadly common in many divorce cases, as emotions run high and dirty laundry may be aired. If your spouse has lodged accusations of child abuse or domestic abuse against you as a part of your divorce proceeding, it is important to know how to react so that you can protect the relationship you have with your children as well as your reputation.

Interacting With DCFS

In Illinois, the Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) is required by law to investigate any accusation of child abuse, regardless of its source. Even if you know at the outset that the accusation is spurious, DCFS has a legal mandate to investigate, and the law must be followed. While it is understandable that you might be offended or angry at the insinuation that you would act in a negative manner toward your children, DCFS officers might take such behavior as defensiveness. This is not to say that DCFS personnel will never make unreasonable requests. If you feel that a request or order is unrealistic or inappropriate, it is generally best to consult with your attorney and possibly the court.

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Understanding Temporary Orders for Maintenance and Child Support

 Posted on February 15,2021 in Kane

Kane County family law attorneysThe process of divorce can often take much longer that you expect. Depending on the circumstances of your case and the considerations that must be made, the proceedings can carry on for months and, in some situations, even years before a final judgment is entered by the court. During that time, of course, your life does not simply stop. You must continue paying your mortgage and utility bills and providing for your children—only now you are faced with managing such things on your own. For this reason, Illinois law provides courts with the authority to issue temporary orders that can offset some of the financial difficulties that many divorcing individuals face.

Temporary Spousal Support

It is not uncommon in a marriage for one spouse to earn significantly more than the other. Such an arrangement may serve a couple perfectly well while the marriage is intact, but once divorce proceedings have been initiated, things can change quickly. A financially disadvantaged spouse may file a motion for temporary maintenance with the court. Based on the circumstances as they exist at the time, the court may order the higher-earning spouse to make support payments directly to the lower-earning spouse. The court could also require the higher-earning spouse to cover certain expenses—such as those related to the marital home—for the duration of the divorce.

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Study Finds That Most Women Have Been Sexually Harassed

 Posted on February 09,2021 in Main

Illinois sexual harassment lawyerWe would like to believe that we live in an age where mistreating another person due to gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or any other personal characteristic is a thing of the past. Of course, we realize that there will always be certain individuals who behave poorly, but overall, our allegedly “enlightened” society should not have to deal with such problems on a widespread basis. Unfortunately, however, reality does not always match our expectations. A recent study has found that an overwhelming majority of American women will experience some form of sexual harassment before they reach the age of 25.

A Study on Relationships and Sex

A team of researchers from Harvard University conducted in-depth surveys of more than 3,000 high school students and young adults between ages 18 and 25. The study examined how young people approach romantic and sexual relationships based on their personal values and past experiences. While the research covered a variety of topics such as the perception of the so-called “hook-up” culture and concerns about building meaningful romantic relationships, the results revealed some rather disturbing details.

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The Difficulty of Divorcing an Abusive Spouse: What Every Victim Should Know

 Posted on February 04,2021 in Main

DuPage County divorce attorneysDivorce can be difficult and painful for any couple, but victims of domestic violence face a unique situation that few understand. These cases are not generally about who gets the house, the kids, or the dog. Instead, they are focused on safety and security. Victims must take extra precautions. Above all else, they need strong allies and advocates in their corner to help protect them from further acts of violence. If you are a victim of domestic violence and are seeking a divorce, there are steps you can take to help you move forward safely, securely, and with a measure of confidence.

Be Prepared for Potential Safety Issues

Whether you are still living with an abusive partner and making plans, or have recently moved out and are afraid as to what may happen in the weeks and months to come, it is important that you take immediate steps to protect yourself. If you have not done so yet, take photographs of any bruises or injuries. Gather any medical documents you may have on previous injuries.

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The Difference Between Decision-Making Responsibilities and Parenting Time

 Posted on February 01,2021 in Kane

Kane County family law attorneysParents who are no longer married to or romantically involved with one another often face serious challenges in developing an agreement regarding the allocation of parental responsibilities. In most cases, both parents want to continue to play an important role in their child’s life and are willing to compromise to make that happen. Sometimes, however, the parents cannot reach an agreement on their own. When this happens, the court must step in and assign parental responsibilities and parenting time in a manner that promotes the child’s best interests.

The process of determining parenting rights and responsibilities was—until just a few years ago—known as “child custody” in Illinois. In 2016, however, an update to the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act revamped the court’s approach to the subject and replaced the term “child custody” with the phrase “allocation of parental responsibilities.” Additionally, the law divides parental responsibilities into two primary areas, each of which may be determined separately.

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Sexual Harassment Linked to Middle School Bullying

 Posted on January 26,2021 in Main

Illinois sexual harassment lawyers

Despite continued public awareness efforts and educational campaigns, sexual harassment continues to be a problem in today’s society. But, where does the root of the problem lie? Is it simply based in misogyny or are there more complex factors that must be considered? Research is beginning to show that bullying behavior at a young age may be linked with sexual harassment down the road, giving credence to the idea that sexual harassment is, at its core, another form of establishing dominance in a given arena.

A Pattern of Behavior

Several recent studies, including studies from the University of Illinois and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found that young adolescent boys who bullied classmates were 4.6 times more likely to commit sexual harassment later in life. Additionally, boys who engaged in homophobic taunts or teasing related to gender or sexual orientation in school were 1.6 times more likely to engage in sexual harassment later.

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What Divorcing Couples Should Know About Jointly-Owned Businesses

 Posted on January 25,2021 in Main

Wheaton IL high asset divorce lawyersMost couples have complex and intertwined assets that can be difficult to separate in divorce, but those who co-own a business can have an especially trying process ahead. If either or both parties also wish to protect the business and keep it running, there is yet another layer of complexity added to this issue. If you are filing for divorce, have a joint business, and wish to protect it in divorce, the following information can help.

Separating and Saving a Joint Business is Complex but Not Impossible

Starting and running a business has always required an investment, but today's business market has made things even more time and resource intensive. This is why so many newer companies are jointly owned—or have investing partners. Sometimes, these joint owners or partners also happen to be married. This can be a positive thing for couples who enjoy spending time together, but if the marriage eventually ends, the stress and worry over the company and its future can create a great deal of conflict during the divorce process.

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