What If I Change My Mind About Divorce?

 Posted on November 10, 2021 in Kane

kane county divorce lawyerReaching the decision to divorce can be just as difficult as the divorce itself. Married couples may try to make the marriage work for years before finally admitting defeat. Typically, by the time a couple files a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, the marriage is beyond saving. However, relationships are complex and sometimes, a divorcing couple changes their mind. Read on to learn about your options if you have changed your mind about ending your marriage through a divorce in Kane County.

Filling a Motion to Dismiss Divorce Proceedings

Divorce is final. Once a divorce is complete, the spouses' marriage is over. If they decide that they made a mistake in getting divorced, their only option is to get re-married – which can come with its own complications. However, if both parties agree, you can completely stop divorce proceedings before the final divorce judgment is issued. You can file a Notice to dismiss the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage and stop the divorce from proceeding. However, if the parties do not agree, and a Counter- Petition for Dissolution of Marriage had been filed, the divorce proceedings will continue.

Protecting Yourself Legally and Financially During Reconciliation Attempts

Sometimes, a spouse decides to give the other spouse a second chance. If you thought you wanted to divorce but now you want to attempt to reconcile your marriage, you may want to take certain steps to protect yourself and your finances. Some people use a postnuptial agreement to protect their finances in a situation like this. A postnuptial agreement is like a prenuptial agreement, but it is signed after the couple is married. A postnuptial agreement may be used to protect a spouse against another spouse's debt, separate marital property from non-marital property, protect a spouse's business interests, and more.

Although seldom used, another option is to file for legal separation. This enables you to keep the marriage intact while addressing the same types of issues you would address in a divorce. If you eventually divorce, many divorce issues will already be decided on, which in theory can expedite the final divorce process.

Contact a Kane County Divorce Lawyer for Help

At MKFM Law, we understand that the decision to divorce is one of the most important decisions of your life. Furthermore, the divorce process can be confusing and overwhelming. You do not have to face this situation alone. Our St. Charles family law attorneys can help you explore all of your divorce options and discuss what option may be best for you. If you are ready to take legal action, we can guide you through the necessary steps while ensuring that your rights are protected. Call 630-665-7300 today for a confidential consultation.



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