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Tips For Divorcing A Narcissist | DuPage County Divorce Lawyers | Wheaton, IL
Tips for Divorcing a Narcissist
DuPage County Lawyer Discusses the Difficulties of Divorcing a Narcissistic Spouse
When you think of the word "narcissist," you are likely to think of a person who seems to be obsessed with themselves. Narcissism is a legitimate personality disorder that can cause issues in relationships. Narcissists exhibit behaviors such as a grandiose sense of self-importance, the need for constant praise and admiration and an uncanny ability to manipulate the people around them for their own benefit. Any divorce is stressful, but divorcing a narcissist can present unique situations and challenges that do not exist when divorcing a spouse who is emotionally healthy.
At Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC, our knowledgeable team can help you through the difficulties of divorcing a narcissistic spouse. Our Wheaton, IL divorce attorneys have been helping clients navigate the complexities of divorce since 1949 and are prepared to help you with your case.
Choose the Right Illinois Attorney
In divorces that involve narcissistic spouses, it is important to choose the right attorney for your case. Though it is not impossible, it is unlikely that your divorce will be amicable. Narcissistic spouses will look for any opportunity to make things difficult. You should look for an attorney who has experience dealing with these types of cases, like our attorneys here at MKFM. Our adept Illinois divorce attorneys have experience handling various types of high-conflict divorce cases. Our attorneys know when to be aggressive and when to be compromising with a difficult spouse.
Consider Your Own Mental Health
Much like your marriage likely was, divorcing a narcissistic spouse is often emotionally stressful. Your narcissistic spouse's goal is to wear you down as much as possible and make your life unnecessarily complicated. This can take its toll on you, which is why it is important that you keep your own well-being at the forefront. It is a good idea to seek mental health counseling or hire a divorce coach during your divorce. You should also keep your physical health in check by exercising regularly, eating healthy and getting enough sleep every night.
Get Everything in Writing
Narcissists are usually master manipulators. They use whoever and whatever they want to accomplish their own goals. One of the ways they may try to manipulate you is by using your words against you or creating false statements - often known as "gaslighting". The best way to combat this type of behavior is to make sure all of your conversations are in writing. Use email or texting to talk with your spouse so you always have a copy of the exchange. Keep this documentation in a safe place.
Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Attorneys
If you are concerned about your divorce with a narcissistic or high-conflict spouse, our divorce lawyers are here to help. At Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC, we will work with you to make your divorce with a narcissistic spouse as painless as possible. To schedule an initial consultation, call our office today at 630-665-7300. We serve clients throughout DuPage, Kane and Kendall counties.