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Stepparents Seeking Custody And Visitation Have Rights Under Illinois Law

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Main

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If you are the parent of stepchildren and are worried about filing for divorce in Illinois because of what might happen to your relationship with your stepchildren, you'll be happy to know that, under certain circumstances, a stepparent may be able to get visitation or custody rights.

The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act allows stepparents to file for custody of their step children in certain cases. In order to commence a custody proceeding of stepchildren, the following conditions must be met:

  • The child must be at least 12 years old;
  • The custodial parent and stepparent must have been married for at least five years, and the child must have lived with them during that time;

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Tips for Illinois Couples Facing Divorce - Cooler Heads Prevail

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Main

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“Let cooler heads prevail with these men and women who work for the cause with all their hearts, with cool heads and skilled hands will master every fate” – Gustav Krupp.

Perhaps this German diplomat from the late 19th Century was onto something. In today's parlance, this phrase is known as simply: “don't lose your cool.”

For couples facing divorce, this should become each party's daily mantra, though it's certainly easier said than done. The divorce process is such a powerful, emotional experience that it is often equated to the experience of the death of a loved one. Such an experience could evoke an overload of emotions that come bubbling to the surface. There are ways, however, to ensure that you do not lose your cool and “let cooler heads prevail.”

Step 1: Set Realistic Expectations for Family and Friends

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Preparing for your Illinois Divorce

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Main

 Illinois divorce lawyer, divorce, Illinois, DuPage County, marriage, divorce, family lawyer,

Perhaps you did not see a divorce coming. Perhaps you missed all the red flags, and attributed the lack of communication, intimacy problems, and petty arguments over finances to work-related stress. Perhaps you were completely blindsided by the possibility of a divorce.

Coming to terms with a pending divorce is an extremely emotional endeavor, but it's best to start preparing for reality as soon as possible. Your first line of defense should be to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced Illinois divorce attorney.

Before your first appointment, run through the following checklist to calm divorce discussion jitters and to help ensure a level playing field in the future:

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Study Says More Divorces Are Good News for The Economy

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Main

divorce rate, divorce trend, divorce and economy, divorce finances, cost of divorce, DuPage County family law attorneyIn 2012, the number of individuals in the United States who filed for divorce rose for the third year in a row. All three of those years were following a major recession, perhaps indicating a link between economic improvement and the number of people seeking a divorce.

Though bad news for those who do not want a divorce, the upswing in the number of people filing for divorce could be an indicator that peoples' personal financial situations are improving—meaning, those who file for divorce now have the ability to pursue a divorce where perhaps previously poor finances would have prevented them from filing.

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Mediation can Play a Unique Role in Jewish Divorce

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Main

collaborative divorce, mediation, collaborative law, marriage, divorce, Illinois, DuPage County divorce lawyerMediation is a useful tool for all divorcing couples to help resolve issues related to the divorce outside of the courtroom. Mediation may have some added benefit, however, for Jewish women who are able to obtain a divorce in civil court, but who may be denied (by their husbands) a Jewish religious divorce , known as a “get.” According to the Huffington Post, this problem is becoming a crisis for Jewish women whose husbands refuse to allow a get. By utilizing mediation, however, women may be able to obtain both a civil and religious termination of their marriage. There are several reasons why the use of mediation may be a better alternative for women potentially facing this issue.

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Illinois Legislature Considering Two Different Family Law Bills Dealing with Parenting Time

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Main

mandatory parenting time, child custody laws, Illinois laws, new laws, family law, visitation, parenting

There are two “dueling” bills currently pending in the Illinois legislature that relate to divorce and parenting time (otherwise known as visitation). The passage of one of the bills, House Bill 1452, would introduce sweeping changes to the Illinois divorce laws. The other bill, House Bill 5425, focuses only on setting new standards and presumptions for parenting time for non-custodial parents.

Although there is not one single “standard” visitation schedule for non-custodial parents, a common default arrangement gives a non-custodial parent visitation every other weekend and one or two evenings for dinner during the week. Many in the family law profession believe this default schedule needs to change. In 2008, the Family Law Study Committee was formed to address proposed changes to Illinois divorce law. Members of that committee included family advocates, attorneys, and members of the legislature. Their recommendation was that giving both parents equal parenting time is often in the best interest of the children and, therefore, Illinois law should reflect that idea.

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Caring for Your Disabled Child with Supplemental Needs Trusts

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Main

supplemental needs trust, disabled child, social security disability, Illinois family lawyer

Trusts are created for a wide number of reasons; for example, they can be utilized to provide for loved ones, hold property, and pass down wealth to future generations.  Supplemental needs trusts are one way that family members can help provide for disabled members of their family, while also allowing those individuals to retain their State and public assistance.  This can be particularly helpful for divorcing parents with special needs children.

In Illinois, there are two types of supplemental needs trusts that can be created: third party supplemental needs trusts and supplemental needs payback trusts. Both of these trusts give the child beneficiary the means to enhance his or her quality of life by providing goods or services that are not offered by government assistance programs.  A third party supplemental needs trust, also known as a 15.1 trust in Illinois, allows an individual to provide for a disabled child without interrupting or otherwise interfering with the child's Medicaid expenditures.  Usually, third party supplemental needs trusts are set up by the special needs child's parents.

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Enforcing Child Support Payments after Your Ex Has Left the State

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Main

child support, child support lawyer, Illinois child support law, Full Faith and Credit Clause

Enforcing child support is often difficult, even when the person paying support resides in the same state as the child. Enforcing child support becomes increasingly more difficult, however, when the parties reside in different states. Not only is it often difficult to find the person who is supposed to pay, but the process of enforcing the support order is also no easy feat in itself and requires the assistance of a skilled attorney to ensure that the order is issued to the proper court.

Historically, when a non-custodial parent moved out of state, the custodial parent had very limited means by which they could recover or maintain the child support payments. In 1920, the United States Supreme Court even determined that support orders were not enforceable under the United States Constitution's Full Faith and Credit Clause. At that time, to enforce an existing custody order, the custodial parent had to establish a new custody order in the new state, requiring him or her to travel to that state and initiate proceedings there. This was a time-consuming, costly, and inefficient endeavor.

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The Basics of No Fault Divorce in Illinois

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Main

no fault divorce, fault divorce, reason for divorce, Illinois divorce lawyer, divorce attorneyDivorce can be a difficult and emotional process. Property is separated, child custody is decided, and the two spouses go their separate ways.

Some states' divorce statutes require a party to plead grounds for a divorce (in other words, a basis for the court to grant a divorce), such as mental or physical cruelty, attempted murder, adultery, desertion or abandonment, drug addiction, or habitual drunkenness. However, in many other states, including Illinois, a party is allowed to ask the court for a divorce without providing a substantial basis for it. This is known as proceeding under the grounds of “irreconcilable differences,” and is commonly referred to as a no-fault divorce. Using irreconcilable differences as a means to be granted a divorce, however, is more complex than simply asking for a no-fault divorce.

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Establishing Paternity in Illinois

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Main

paternity, father, child, establishing paternity, Illinois paternity lawyer, DuPage County paternity attorneyIn the United States, the number of unmarried parents is on the rise. As single parenting becomes more commonplace in modern society, the stigma that it used to carry has begun to fade, and more unmarried parents are asserting their rights. This increase in the rate of single parenting makes the issue of paternity all the more important.

Paternity is the state of being a father; in Illinois, this is also known as having a father-child relationship.  For some children, paternity is never legally established. Even if the child of the father is known, his name may never be listed on the birth certificate, there may never be a court determination of paternity, and the father may never play a role in the child's life.  Legal paternity is the finding of a father-child relationship by a court.

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