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How Can a Parent’s Mental Illness Affect Child Related Issues in a Divorce?

 Posted on August 12,2022 in Main

illinois child custody lawyerMillions of adults in the U.S. deal with mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia. Divorced and unmarried parents often have questions about how mental health can influence the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time. Illinois courts make every child custody decision with the child’s best interests in mind. So, if a parent suffers from a mental health condition that affects his or her ability to care for the child and keep the child safe, this can certainly influence the court’s decision. However, Illinois law clearly states that parental conduct that does not affect the child should not be considered during custody determinations.

Navigating child custody and divorce issues when a parent has a mental illness can be complex and confusing. The best way to receive trustworthy guidance is to speak to a family law attorney experienced in complex child-related issues.

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Chicago Sexual Harassment Training Now Includes Bystander Training

 Posted on August 12,2022 in Main

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_1130335286-min.jpg Sexual harassment is considered discrimination. It is prohibited by both Illinois and federal laws. Unfortunately, not everyone complies with the laws designed to keep our workplaces safe. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there were just under 100,000 harassment complaints between 2018 and 2021.

In an effort to combat the ongoing problem of workplace sexual harassment, the city of Chicago has expanded sexual harassment laws and anti-harassment training requirements. Chicago companies are now requiring bystander training that teaches people how to prevent, recognize, and report harassment.

Teaching People to Intervene on Behalf of Sexual Harassment Victims

A bystander is someone who notices potential sexual harassment. For example, an employee may overhear a watercooler conversation in which a worker is making offensive sexual remarks to another employee. Or, a manager may notice that one of his or her subordinates is clearly uncomfortable sitting next to a certain individual during all-staff meetings. Perhaps a female employee goes to another female employee for advice after a male supervisor will not stop asking her out on dates.

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Exploring the Problem of Sexual Harassment in the Music Industry

 Posted on July 31,2022 in Main

dupage county sexual harassment lawyerFor many, being a professional musician is a dream occupation. However, more and more information is being uncovered about the true nature of the music industry. HBO recently released The Idol, which explores the darker side of being a famous musician. The docuseries focuses on sexual harassment, abuse, and manipulation suffered by musicians in pursuit of stardom. The series comes just after former pop sensation R. Kelly was sentenced to 30 years for sex trafficking.

Sexual harassment in the music industry is not a new phenomenon. Fortunately, people are beginning to take sexual harassment allegations seriously. If you were sexually harassed, it is important to take action immediately. If you report the sexual harassment to your employer and the problem is not rectified, the next step may be to take legal action in the form of a sexual harassment claim.

Working in the Music Industry is Less Glamorous Than Many Realize

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Avoid These Common Mistakes When Reporting Workplace Sexual Harassment

 Posted on July 29,2022 in Main

wheaton sexual harassment lawyerSexual harassment may involve anything from offensive “jokes” to unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature. Multiple state and federal laws prohibit sexual harassment. Unfortunately, workers in a wide range of industries continue to experience sexual harassment.

If you have experienced sexual harassment – or even just behavior that made you feel uncomfortable, it is important to speak up. Do not let the harassment continue. File a complaint according to your company’s sexual harassment policy. If the harassment does not stop or if your employer retaliates against you, you should speak to a lawyer about taking legal action.

As you deal with the situation, make sure to avoid the following common mistakes.

Not Documenting Every Incident of Harassment

It may seem inconsequential, but one of the most important things you can do when you experience sexual harassment at work is to document the harassment thoroughly. Keep a sexual harassment log in which you write down each time something is said or done that makes you feel uncomfortable. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), hostile work environment harassment occurs when harassing behaviors are severe or pervasive. Having a detailed record of all of the incidents is crucial to demonstrating the persistent nature of the harassment. Write down who was involved in the incident, what happened, who was witness to the incident, and the date, time, and location of each incident.  

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Gather Your Toolkit Before Divorcing a Narcissist Spouse  

 Posted on July 22,2022 in Main

dupage county divorce lawyerGoogle Trends shows that searches for the term “narcissist” have increased dramatically in the last decade. More and more people are recognizing narcissistic behaviors in their friends, family, or coworkers and then using the popular search engine to learn more.

If you are divorcing someone who fits the description of a narcissist, you are likely in store for a bumpy ride. Fortunately, there are many tools and resources you can use to stay sane during the divorce process. As you prepare for the split, start building a “toolkit” of useful skills, resources, and individuals who can help you throughout the divorce.  

Why Divorcing Someone with Narcissistic Tendencies is So Difficult

The term “narcissist” technically refers to someone with narcissistic personality disorder. However, the term is often used informally to refer to someone who is selfish, unsympathetic, or cruel. Divorcing someone with narcissistic tendencies will likely be exhausting and complicated. He or she may refuse to cooperate with the divorce process, gaslight you, or even threaten you. Narcissists may hide assets or lie about their income on financial paperwork during the divorce. It is important to be prepared. 

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Getting a Divorce When a Spouse Has a Gambling Addiction

 Posted on July 22,2022 in Main

illinois divorce lawyerWhether it is playing a game of blackjack or keno, betting on sports, or buying a lottery ticket, Americans love to gamble. For many, gambling is a casual hobby. For others, however, gambling is a full-blown addiction. The National Center for Responsible Gaming reports that about one percent of the U.S. adult population suffers from a severe gambling problem. However, many experts believe that number is higher than reported.

If your spouse has a gambling addiction, you know first-hand how destructive it can be on both a financial level and a personal level. Many marriages cannot withstand the impact of addiction, and the couple ends up getting a divorce. If you are divorcing someone with a gambling problem, it is important to take steps to protect yourself.

Gambling Addiction Affects the Whole Family

Scientists believe that a neurotransmitter called dopamine is the main brain chemical involved in gambling addiction. The feel-good chemical compels the gambler to continue gambling – even if he or she is losing money. Once the money is lost, the gambler desperately tries to make up for the losses by gambling more. It is a vicious cycle.

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Second Marriage? Consider a Prenuptial Agreement

 Posted on July 22,2022 in Kane

kane county prenup lawyerGetting married for the second time can bring about a host of different emotions. On one hand, a new romantic relationship is a reason for joyous celebration. On the other hand, individuals who have already been through a divorce may be nervous that their second marriage will also end in divorce.

If you are getting married for the second time, it is important to protect your rights and financial interests through a prenuptial agreement or postnuptial agreement.

How a Prenup Can Benefit You and Your New Partner

Many people hesitate to even consider a prenuptial agreement. They assume that only those people with little faith in their relationship would plan for the possibility of divorce. While, admittedly, prenuptial agreements are not the most romantic topic, signing a prenup comes with a multitude of benefits – even if the couple never divorces.

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Do Illinois Courts Always Use the Statutory Formula for Child Support?

 Posted on July 13,2022 in Main

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_540435490.jpg Child support payments can vary significantly. Some people pay less than a hundred dollars a month toward child support, while others pay several thousand dollars each month. In Illinois, the exact amount a parent pays in child support is typically determined by a statutory formula described in Illinois law. However, Illinois courts have the authority to deviate from the child support guidelines in certain situations.

Courts Can Deviate from the Income Shares Formula

The Income Shares calculation method uses the parents’ net incomes to reach an appropriate payment amount. Most of the time, Illinois courts follow these statutory guidelines for child support calculations. However, Illinois law allows courts to deviate from this calculation method if using the guidelines would be unfair to either party or not in the child’s best interests.

Each situation is different. Sometimes, courts need to deviate from the child support guidelines because a child has extraordinary medical needs. For example, a child with severe cerebral palsy may need extensive medical treatment and in-home care. The child support order may need to be adjusted to account for these needs. In other cases, following the guidelines would result in a child support payment amount that exceeds the child’s needs or the obligor’s ability to pay. 

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Tips for Keeping Your Cool When Divorcing a Difficult or Uncooperative Spouse

 Posted on June 30,2022 in Kane

st. charles divorce lawyers Divorce is never easy, but some spouses are intent on making the divorce process as difficult and miserable as possible. A spouse may avoid signing paperwork, fail to show up at court hearings or mediation appointments, spread rumors about the other spouse, or simply refuse to cooperate. Some spouses even resort to childish games and mind tricks during a divorce. If your spouse is making your life miserable during your divorce, know that you are not alone. This is an issue that many people deal with. There are litigation tools to help prevent your spouse from acting this way, which may be enable you to mitigate the effects of his or her actions.  

Work With an Attorney Who Understands What You Are Going Through

When choosing a divorce lawyer, make sure you find an attorney who is experienced in contentious divorce cases. Each lawyer has their own unique skill set and experience. You need someone who will not fall for your spouse’s tactics and will strongly advocate on your behalf during the case. If needed, your lawyer can handle communications with your spouse and his or her attorney for you. Your lawyer can also handle settlement negotiations, filing of court documents, and other aspects of the divorce case.

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Imputed Income in Child Support Calculations in Kane County

 Posted on June 21,2022 in Kane

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_1075081070-1.jpg Child support is an important source of financial support for divorced and single parents. Unlike spousal maintenance or other divorce issues, divorcing parents cannot determine the terms of child support on their own. Because financial support from both parents is considered a child’s natural right, parents cannot generally choose to forgo child support.

Illinois now uses the Income Shares formula to calculate how much a parent pays in child support. Support obligations are based on both of the parents’ incomes so the payment amount is reasonable and affordable given the parents’ financial circumstances.

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