Can I Be Forced to Pay for My Child to Attend an Ivy League School?

DuPage County Lawyers Explain How Expensive of a School Your Child Can Attend

Illinois law previously allowed children to sue their parents for college expenses. In 2016, the state put an end to that option. Now, a parent does not have to worry about the possibility of being sued by his or her own child. But, what if your child wants to attend an Ivy League School you cannot afford to contribute?

Illinois courts will examine the financial situations between both parents and the child to decide if an Ivy League School is suitable for the child. Each case is different but, in most cases, the courts typically rule in favor of the child attending a school that is only as expensive as or less than what an Illinois resident would pay to be enrolled at the University of Illinois.

Can You, as the Parent, Have Any Say in What School?

A key concern for parents during the process of their divorce is if they will be allowed any decision making in the selection of schools for the child. Should you as a divorced parent, however, be forced to pay for an education that you could refuse if you were still married?

The law has no requirement that the parents have any say on which school their child will or will not attend. In certain scenarios, if a public school offers the same benefits and courses, your child may have to attend the latter in order to receive financial assistance from you.

At Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC, we are here to tackle any and all questions from you regarding your child's college expenses following a divorce. Contact us at 630-665-7300 to set up an initial appointment with one of our skilled attorneys. We serve residents in DuPage County, Kane County, and Kendall County. Our main office can be found in Wheaton, Illinois.

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