What Should I Expect During an Illinois Adoption Home Study?

 Posted on April 21,2020 in Kane

Kane County adoption lawyersAdopting a child is one of the most worthwhile legal pursuits a person can undergo. Unfortunately, the Illinois adoption process can, at times, be complicated and tedious. One step in the adoption process that many adoptive families worry about is the home study. The purpose of an adoption home study is to ensure that the adoptive home is a safe, loving environment for the child to live in. Many adoptive parents are intimidated at the thought of someone coming to evaluate them and their home. They may worry that they will be deemed “not good enough” and denied the adoption. One of the best ways to prepare for your home study and gain peace of mind is to thoroughly educate yourself about what the adoption home study process entails.  

Common Elements of a Home Study

The steps that you must take in order to be granted an adoption will depend on whether you are pursuing an international adoption, private adoption, agency adoption, relative adoption, or adoption through the foster care system. Although the adoption process varies significantly, most home studies involve the same basic steps. The agent, social worker, or other individual conducting the home study is seeking to understand two main things:

  • Whether or not you and the other adoptive parent are capable of adequately caring for the child; and
  • Whether or not your home is a safe, healthy place for a child to live

In most agency adoptions, potential adoptive parents are first invited to an informational session that outlines the adoption process and what to expect. If the potential adoptive parents choose to continue with the adoption, a home study will typically follow at some point.

During the home inspection, an agent will likely interview you and other members of your household several times. You may be asked to explain your reasons for wanting to adopt, your past experiences with children, your personal approach to parenting, how you cope with hardship, and more. During the home visit, the agent will inspect your home for any safety concerns that could present a risk to children. The agent will not expect your home to be pristine, but he or she will check to see if the home is a reasonably clean, safe, child-friendly environment. The agent will confirm that your home has enough space for the child as well as working smoke detectors, childproof locks where necessary, and other safety features.

Contact a Kane County Adoption Attorney

The legal steps associated with adopting a child must be completed accurately and on time in order for the adoption to go smoothly. For help with all aspects of your adoption, contact an experienced St. Charles adoption lawyer from MKFM Law. Schedule a confidential consultation by calling our office at 630-665-7300 today.




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