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Stereotypes and the Credibility of Sexual Harassment Claims
Every human being, no matter how enlightened, accepting, or empathetic, has biases. Biases lead to stereotypes, which build up prejudices, which lead us to discriminate (positively or negatively) against others. Cognitive bias allows human beings to analyze a new situation quickly. This helps our brains sift through the millions of pieces of information we receive, but it can also lead to errors in reasoning.
While stereotyping others can be relatively innocuous, it can also cause serious consequences for those who are stereotyped. A prime example is the fact that sexual harassment claims by "non-typical" women are often perceived as less credible. In short, less "feminine" women, as well as overweight women, may not be believed when they report sexual harassment.
Imagine being the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, yet your story is brushed off because you do not look like others think a female harassment victim "should" look. If you are the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, it is crucial that you speak to a knowledgeable Wheaton, IL sexual harassment lawyer from Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC. We will strongly advocate on your behalf, fighting against any perceived stereotypes that could make your account of the facts less believable.
How Common Is Workplace Sexual Harassment Against Women?
Unfortunately, workplace sexual harassment is common yet still rarely reported. More than 60 percent of all women say they have experienced some level of sexual harassment in the workplace, with that figure rising to 90 percent in certain industries. Among women who have experienced workplace sexual harassment, one in seven choose to change jobs rather than report the incident or incidents. Overall, more than 85 percent of women who experience sexual harassment never file a formal legal charge, and 70 percent do not even make an internal complaint.
Not All Women Receive Justice, Legal Protection, or Even Fairness When They Report Sexual Harassment
Not only is a sexual harassment claim deemed less credible when reported by a woman who is not perceived as overtly feminine, but the act itself is believed to be less psychologically harmful to a female who is not considered attractive. In Western society, the stereotypical woman is perceived as attractive, thin, and relatively young. The stereotypical woman dresses in a feminine manner and has hobbies like shopping and watching romantic movies. This means that a middle-aged, slightly overweight woman who prefers wearing pants to frilly dresses and loves to fish may be viewed differently, to the point of not having her story believed when reporting sexual harassment.
It is Important to Understand that Sexual Harassment is Not About Sex
Although sexual harassment can and does happen to men in the workplace, it remains a predominantly female problem. Surprisingly, workplace sexual harassment is rarely about sexual desire or lust; rather, it is about control and power. If sexual harassment comes from a superior, that person likely knows he or she can get by with the harassment because the employees need their jobs too badly to quit.
Some men in authority sexually harass females who work for them as a way of asserting dominance. Being sexually harassed is bad enough. Not being believed when reporting sexual harassment because of one’s appearance makes the harassment so much worse.
Contact a DuPage County, IL Sexual Harassment Lawyer
Sexual harassment in the workplace can lead to emotional and physical problems, absenteeism, reduced job performance, and low morale and self-esteem. When you choose a highly-skilled, compassionate Wheaton, IL sexual harassment lawyer from MKFM Law, you have taken an important step toward real justice. Contact Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC at 630-665-7300 to schedule an initial attorney meeting.