Stars Collaborate on Workplace Sexual Harassment PSA

 Posted on June 28, 2018 in Main

Illinois sexual harassment lawyersYou may know actress Rashida Jones from television shows like The Office or Parks and Recreation, but more recently, she has been a passionate advocate for addressing and preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. Jones, along with musician Donald Glover and Blue Seat Studios, created the video public service announcement (PSA) in order to help educate the public about what constitutes sexual harassment and how to spot it. Jones hopes the video will help people understand which behaviors are and are not acceptable at work, as well as empower victims of sexual harassment to seek help.

Sexual Harassment Is Not Always Obvious

After media mogul Harvey Weinstein was accused by multiple women of various sex crimes, the entertainment business finally began addressing the rampant sexual harassment and sexual assault in Hollywood. However, Jones and other anti-sexual harassment advocates want the public to know that sexual harassment does not only happen to the rich and famous, nor is it always glaringly obvious. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone. It does not discriminate on the basis of wealth, status, gender, race, or religion.

Subtle Actions May Be Sexual Harassment if They Interfere with Work

One off-color joke or comment will probably not be considered sexual harassment in the eyes of the law. However, when inappropriate comments, jokes, or behaviors continue for long periods of time or are severe, these actions may constitute hostile work environment sexual harassment. The other official type of sexual harassment is called “quid pro quo” harassment. It occurs when a person of authority such as a boss or supervisor offers employment or workplace perks in exchange for sexual favors. Quid pro quo sexual harassment does not need to be ongoing in order to meet the legal definition of sexual harassment.

Video Focuses on Frequently Asked Questions

The short-animated PSA focuses on several questions. The first is “Is it okay to greet a co-worker with a hug or kiss?” The video goes on to explain that unwanted touching like this is not appropriate for work. The second question addresses the difference between thinking something about a coworker and actually saying it. The video explains that it is acceptable to think a coworker looks sexy but to tell him or her that is not okay. Dating in the workplace is a tricky subject. The video explains that asking someone out at work might be acceptable in some circumstances and not others. For instance, if there is a power dynamic between the person being asked out and the person asking, this may constitute sexual harassment. The last section of the video addresses the responsibility that bystanders have to stand up for victims of sexual harassment.

Have You Suffered Due to Sexual Harassment at Work?

If you have been the victim of workplace sexual harassment, contact an experienced Wheaton, IL sexual harassment lawyer at Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC today to discuss your options for filing a claim. Call 630-665-7300 to schedule a confidential consultation.


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