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Preparing for an Imminent Divorce
It is common for divorced individuals to look back on their relationship and acknowledge that the marriage was over long before they filed a petition for divorce. While the reality is not always as obvious to those in a struggling marriage, some people are able to recognize the proverbial writing on the wall. If your marriage has reached the point where divorce is the only viable option, it is important to prepare for the difficult road that lies ahead.
Know What You Have
Regardless of whether you expect your divorce to be amicable or bitter, one of the most important first steps is to compile an inventory of everything you and your spouse own. Start by making a list of all of your major assets, including any real estate holdings, vehicles, investments, and retirement savings. Locate purchase contracts, loan documents, and account statements so that you can determine when each asset was acquired and how much it may be worth now. Once you have covered the large assets, move on to smaller things like furniture, artwork, and jewelry, again recording the item and when it was purchased.
Decide What You Want
Once you know what you have, you can begin making decisions about what you hope to get out of the divorce process. If keeping the marital home is important to you, make it a top priority. Keep in mind that Illinois law requires divorcing couples to divide their marital property in a manner that is fair and equitable. This means that if you want certain items, you may need to concede others to your spouse.
If you have children, you must also determine what type of parenting arrangement will be best for them after your divorce. Children fare best when both parents remain invested and involved in their lives. Do what you can to separate your feelings about your spouse as a partner from your feelings about him or her as a parent. The two of you may be better off apart, but your children will need you both for years to come.
Be Flexible for Your Own Sake
It is your right to dig in your heels and fight for every consideration during the divorce process, but doing so could leave you feeling bitter, angry, and unable to move forward with your life. In addition, fighting over small details can cause your divorce to drag on for months, racking up thousands of dollars in court costs and attorneys' fees. If you remain focused on what is most important and are willing to compromise on other things, your divorce can be finalized more efficiently and without unnecessary aggravation.
Call Us for Help
If you are considering a divorce, an experienced Kane County family law attorney can provide the guidance you need throughout the process. Contact MKFM Law to schedule a confidential consultation with a member of our team today. Let us help you create the happier future you deserve.