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Keeping a Detailed Record of Sexual Harassment is Crucial to Your Case
Experiencing sexual harassment at work can be devastating both personally and professionally. Sadly, sexual harassment continues to be a problem in the United States and elsewhere, even after major strides have been taken to eradicate it. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sexual harassment reports are up 14 percent as compared to last year.
If you have been harassed or discriminated against at work, you may be completely unsure of where to start. Sexual harassment is against the law, and no one should have to tolerate mistreatment at work. Often, one of the most important steps you can take when you are being sexually harassed is to keep a detailed sexual harassment log.
Keep a Log Even If You Do Not Plan to Pursue Compensation
A detailed record of any sexual harassment you have experienced is valuable even if you do not end up suing your employer. The first step you must take to stop the harassment from continuing is to file a formal sexual harassment complaint with your employer or supervisor. When you report the harassment, make sure to follow any procedures or policies set forth in your employee handbook.
Understandably, you will probably be upset and flustered when you make this report. Having a detailed account of exactly what has been said or done to you can help you communicate the extent of the problem to your superior. If your superior does not take your sexual harassment complaint seriously, you may need to file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) and/or the EEOC. If the situation does not improve or worsens, you may end up choosing to file a civil suit. A detailed sexual harassment log is essential to getting compensation.
What to Record in Your Sexual Harassment Log
In your log, write down every instance of harassment you have experienced. Do not worry if something technically counts as sexual harassment or not. If someone says or does something to you that makes you feel discriminated against, demeaned, or ashamed, write it down. Sexual harassment can include remarks and jokes about a person’s gender or appearance, unwanted physical contact, digital harassment, and more. In the log, write down the date, time, and location in which the incident happened. Write down a detailed description of what happened using direct quotes whenever possible. Also, record the names of any witnesses to the harassing behavior.
Finally, record how you responded to the harassment. This includes reports made to management or supervisors. Keep track of what you said, as well as the response, if any, that you received. Having a record of your reports reduces the possibility of your company claiming that you never made them aware of the problem.
Contact a Naperville Discrimination and Wrongful Termination Attorney
Sexual Harassment is a form of discrimination protected against by the Illinois Human Rights Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you report the harassment and nothing is done fix the situation, you may have a valid employment discrimination claim. To speak with a knowledgeable Wheaton employment discrimination lawyer at MKFM Law, call 630-665-7300 today.