Five Examples of Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment to Be Aware Of

 Posted on April 21, 2023 in Main

dupage county sexual harassment lawyerEmployees have the right to be free from sexual harassment or other types of discrimination at work. However, as countless news stories demonstrate, this kind of behavior is still prevalent in many workplaces.

Hostile workplace harassment is the most frequently discussed type of sexual harassment prohibited by federal and state law. A hostile work environment is one in which an employee is subjected to explicit, demeaning, or offensive conduct that is either severe or pervasive enough to create a hostile workplace.

Quid pro quo harassment is another type of sexual harassment that is less frequently discussed in the media. Quid pro quo harassment occurs when a supervisor or other authority figure requests sexual favors from an employee or applicant as a condition of employment or job advancement.

A Manager Implies That an Employee Will Be Fired If He or She Does Not Agree to a Date

No one should be forced to go on a date against their will. Unfortunately, some people use their positions of authority to take advantage of employees. Quid pro quo harassment can include a manager or supervisor implying that an employee will be fired, demoted, or disciplined if they do not agree to go on a date with them.

An Employer Promotes Someone in Exchange for Sexual Favors

In some cases, employers may use promotions as an incentive for sexual favors. For example, a manager may promise an employee that they will receive a promotion and a salary increase if they agree to engage in sexual activity with them. Promotions must be based on work performance and merit. Exchanging sexual or romantic activity for a promotion is considered discrimination.

A Supervisor Offers Benefits in Exchange for Sexual Favors

In some cases, supervisors may use benefits as leverage to obtain sexual favors from employees. This could include offering extra vacation days, flex time, or remote work opportunities in exchange for sexual activity. For example, when an employee asks for a day off, a supervisor may say something like, "I can help you if you help me." These types of conversations are often filled with innuendo and implications. Rarely does a perpetrator outright state the terms of the proposed "exchange." Nevertheless, it is still illegal.

A Manager Threatens to Retaliate Against an Employee Who Refuses to Participate in Sexual Activity

A manager may threaten to give an employee unfavorable work assignments, reduced hours, or a less desirable work schedule if they do not agree to participate in sexual activities. Often, these types of threats are not explicit, they are implied.

A Hiring Manager Tells an Applicant She Will Get the Job if She Tolerates Sexual Advances

Quid pro quo sexual harassment can also occur before someone is hired at a company. For example, a hiring manager may touch an applicant inappropriately during an interview and say something like, "Do you want this job or not?" This implies that the interviewee must tolerate this type of behavior in order to be hired.

Contact our DuPage County Sexual Harassment Lawyer for Help

If you were sexually harassed at work, you have legal options. The more people stand up and speak out against workplace harassment, the more employers will be forced to address this issue. Contact an experienced Wheaton sexual harassment attorney from MKFM for personalized legal guidance. Call 630-665-7300 for a consultation.


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