Do I Really Need a Divorce Lawyer?

 Posted on October 02, 2018 in Main

Wheaton divorce attorneyIn today's world of online help and how-to videos, some people insist on trying to do everything themselves. They learn how to fix their cars, prepare gourmet meals, and even how to identify and treat minor illnesses. While a do-it-yourself approach can be cost-effective in many situations, and it certainly instills a level of personal confidence, there are some circumstances in which avoiding the expense of professional assistance may actually cost you dearly in the long term. Beyond the finances, however, there a number of other reasons that every divorce should include, at the very least, a consultation with a qualified attorney.

Improved Organization and Control

You may have a pretty good idea of the various considerations inherent to the divorce process: divide the property, make arrangements for the children, decide upon spousal maintenance and child support, file the petition, and wait for the court. But, do you really understand each of the steps involved with every one of the listed elements of divorce, and in what order they should be completed? A lawyer, however, has handled hundreds or more divorce cases and can assist you in preparing an organized approach.

Handling Paperwork and Meeting Deadlines

During your divorce, you will be responsible for filing a large number of documents along the way, including petitions, responses, motions, and requesting records. Keeping track of all of them and their associated deadlines can be a nightmare, especially if you work full-time and have parenting responsibilities. A divorce attorney, on the other hand, will have developed a system for ensuring the proper documents are completed on time, and, in most cases, require just a signature from you before they are filed with the court. Accuracy is also paramount in the process, because if your paperwork includes mistakes, the court could end up basing a decision on inaccurate information. There is no telling exactly how costly a single mistake could be, but is not worth the risk.

Creative Solutions

While many individuals who skip legal counsel in divorce do so for financial reasons, there is a prevailing notion that a divorce attorney is only necessary if the divorce is contentious. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, hiring the right lawyer can even prevent a divorce from deteriorating into contentiousness and acrimony. Your lawyer, especially if he or she has many years of experience, can guide you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse toward imaginative, equitable resolutions that the two of you alone would have never considered. Drawing upon suggestions that may have worked in previous cases, your attorney can be invaluable resource, even when there is no significant dispute in your divorce.

Learn More

If you are considering a divorce and are still unsure about hiring a lawyer, call our office for a confidential consultation. The experienced DuPage County divorce attorneys at MKFM Law are ready to offer you their insight and knowledge of the law. Schedule an appointment by calling 630-665-7300 today and learn about how our team can help you.


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