Divorce Rates Higher With Women Breadwinners

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Main

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As more women take on roles outside the home than ever before, female breadwinners are becoming more common in U.S. families. While this is certainly something to celebrate for those women who are increasing their earnings and career potential, it is also creating some unique challenges for the modern family. The Pew Research Center recently published findings showing that women are now the primary breadwinners in 40 percent of families—a dramatic difference from 11 percent of families in 1960. This change in income dynamics can cause conflict, arguments between spouses, and even a higher likelihood of divorce.

Some research has identified that divorce rates are higher—up to perhaps even 50% higher—for couples where the female out-earns her male partner. Certainly, gender roles in the home are changing as some families make the decision that the male will stay at home and care for the house and any children. Some couples may find the change of pace refreshing, flexible, and accommodating; on the other hand, this arrangement may be difficult for particular couples to adjust to and may bother certain partners. Women can potentially feel overloaded with responsibility, and can be made to feel as though they must choose between their family and their career. Men may potentially feel threatened by a female partner who earns more money and resent her position. These stressors can cause arguments and disagreements between spouses and can cause serious conflict in a marriage.

Hopefully, as society progresses and gender roles become less defined by historical convention, younger families may adapt to the increasing roles women play in the workplace and at home. For the time being, however, the current trend of women breadwinners and the conflict it can generate for some couples may cause an increase in the number of couples who divorce.

When your family dynamics shift so much that you or your spouse have become uncomfortable or are unable to adapt, the pressure this can put on your marriage can cause tensions and arguments that can make a marriage miserable. While this is an unfortunate side-effect of our constantly changing gender and employment roles, it is not something that every marriage can—or should—withstand. At Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC., we understand the changing gender dynamics in today's modern families and the effects these changes can have on marriages. If you are in a marriage with a non-traditional income structure that has severely impacted your relationship and are contemplating divorce, please contact us today at 630-665-7300" target="_blank">630-665-7300 for an Initial Attorney Meeting.

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