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What You Say Creates Your Future
Most people are aware that maintaining a happy marriage is hard work. However, most people are unaware that despite all of that effort, the words they use may be working directly against those efforts. It turns out that certain words increase your chances of a divorce. Listen to the words that you are using, you might be surprised by what you are saying and where you are headed.
When couples use the words "Never" and "Always" it represents an all or nothing posture. These words establish a situation that promotes the attitude of a lack of comprise and kindness.
The word "but" when used implies a lack of integrity and manipulation. When a spouse uses this word in an argument or discussion he or she is negating what was previously said that might have been positive, undermining his or her ability to build trust and intimacy.
Swear words and other negative based words represent an attack, and a lack of respect and positive feelings towards your partner. Using these words regularly is a strong indication you're headed for a divorce. If the "D" word (divorce) is also being thrown around, the possibility of an end to the marriage is closer than you may think.
Words have power, but it usually takes more than words to cause a couple to consider divorce. Yet, if you are already using these words or they are being used against you, it means that all conscious effort to hide or suppress these negative feelings towards your partner have withered away.
If your words show you are headed towards divorce, contact one of Mirabella, Kincaid, Frederick & Mirabella, LLC's knowledgeable and dedicated family law attorneys today.
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