5 Questions to Ask During a Preliminary Consultation with a Divorce Lawyer

 Posted on January 05,2022 in Main


b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_1935210119.jpg Divorce can be daunting for anyone. Most spouses considering divorce are only vaguely aware of what the divorce process involves. They may also be juggling feelings of regret, anger, and sadness which can make the divorce process even more intimidating. Fortunately, you do not have to handle divorce on your own. An experienced divorce lawyer can guide you through the process, offering the legal advocacy you need during this difficult time.

However, no two divorce lawyers are the same. It is important that the divorce lawyer you choose has the skills and experience needed to handle your particular situation effectively. As you vet potential divorce lawyers, consider the following questions:

What Is Your Financial Situation?

Money is a key issue in any divorce case. The spouses’ debts and assets will need to be accurately valued and then divided through either an agreement between the spouses or through the court. The spouses may also need to address child support, spousal support, and other financial issues. If you have a high net worth couple or own complex assets, your divorce will likely be more complicated than the average divorce case. Make sure your lawyer is up for the challenge. For example, if you are a business owner, you will want to make sure your lawyer has experience handling business valuation and division during divorce.

What is the Likelihood of reaching a Settlement?

Predicting the future is impossible, but many divorcing spouses have an inkling about how their divorce will play out. Nearly all divorce cases are eventually resolved through an agreement between the spouses, however, a few cases do end up at trial. If you suspect that your divorce case will involve intense litigation or a divorce trial, make sure your attorney has the experience necessary to represent you effectively.

Is Your Spouse Cooperative?

The complexity, cost, and duration of a divorce largely hinge on the spouses’ ability to cooperate. Unfortunately, some divorcing spouses are intent on making the divorce as drawn out and difficult as possible. If your spouse refuses to sign paperwork or rationally discuss divorce issues like child custody with you, consider a divorce attorney with an aggressive approach and ample litigation experience. If your spouse is cooperative and willing to negotiate in good faith, alternative resolution methods like collaborative law and mediation may be viable options. 

Do You Have Children?

If you have children, you will need to address additional issues including the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time, child support, and more. Your lawyer should be experienced in these issues. 

Are There Any Special Circumstances or Unique Issues to Resolve?

Some divorce cases have special issues that require unique solutions. For example, if you have a prenuptial agreement or another marital contract, you need a lawyer who knows whether these documents are valid and enforceable. If you or your spouse own intellectual property or other hard-to-value assets, make sure your lawyer has experience in these areas.

Contact a DuPage County Divorce Lawyer

The skilled Wheaton divorce attorneys at MKFM Law are experienced in high asset divorce, complex divorce, asset valuation, divorce litigation, and much more. Call 630-665-7300 for a confidential consultation to learn more.



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